Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Transportation Tips!

This week we are all about TRANSPORTATION. I don't know about you guys, but with the rain and snow and ice and confusing weather these days, we've been awfully all over the place with our transportation situation. We have a few quick tips to help you out this week!


We're sure you've heard it all before. Here's how we do it: WORK BACKWARDS.
Ask yourself these questions:
               How long will it take me to get there?
                Do I know how to get there? 
                Is there traffic or weather concerns that might slow me down?
                What do I need to bring?
                What do I need to do in order to get ready?
                Is there anything I can prepare the night before to make it quicker?
Here's a little online re-enactment of a potential morning routine!
So I have an interview at 10 am! How do I get ready? Well,  it takes 20 minutes to get there by bus. I want to get there 10 minutes before 10am so I am not rushing into the interview and stressed so I actually want to be there at 9:50. 20 minutes before that is 9:30. However, it is icy out there today so maybe there will be some accidents, maybe  I should give myself another 15 minutes for traffic  time. Then I have to wait for the bus and I'm not sure if it will come exactly on time (and I need to walk to the stop) so I must leave the house at latest 8:50. So what do I need to do to get ready before I walk to the bus stop? Maybe I have to walk the dog, bring kids to day care, make breakfast, get dressed, take a shower, make lunch. I also need to prepare my resume, make sure my work clothes are clean and ironed. What can I do the night before to make my morning less stressful? Maybe I can make lunch ahead of time or iron my clothes and lay them out on my dresser so that I don't have to wonder about what am I going to wear in the morning.

See what we mean?  WORK BACKWARDS and ALWAYS leave more time than you think you need.

Plan time for your coffee, plan time to pack your bag. When I was Substitute Teaching I had to wake up much earlier than I was used to. The night before I would prepare my oatmeal in the bowl on the counter and even water in the tea kettle with the tea bag in it--I personally needed a stress-free morning because of the stress I experienced during the day!  Whatever I could do the night before  to make it quicker and easier was worth it for the moments of peace!

3. Finally, IT IS BETTER TO BE EARLY THAN TO BE LATE. That is always true. Always. Try to tell yourself if you are not 10 minutes early (especially to a job interview) you are late.

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