Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Spotlight: Focus Hope!

Today we're spotlighting one of our partners and friends, Focus Hope! They've been around since 1968 and they've done some really inspiring things since. In the beginning they made a simple mission statement "intelligent and practical action to overcome racism, poverty and injustice." Since then their mission has transformed and we thought we'd share it for some daily inspiration!

Recognizing the dignity and beauty of every person, we pledge intelligent and practical action to overcome racism, poverty, and injustice. And to build a metropolitan community where all people may live in freedom, harmony, trust and affection. Black and white, yellow, brown and red from Detroit and its suburbs of every economic status, national origin and religious persuasion we join in this covenant.

What changes do you notice between their 1968 mission and present mission? What strikes you? (Feel free to comment below!)

They also have a solid YouTube Channel with amazing little videos. Here are just a few, but be sure to check out the rest of their videos at: 

Focus Hope YouTube Channel

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