Thursday, August 14, 2014

80/20 Analysis

Brief tip for those of you that are having trouble with this month’s theme of organization. Do you get distracted or easily off track? Are you making to-do lists but not accomplishing your goals?

The first step is to identify your distractions.

Ask yourself this: “What are the 20% activities/distractions that consume 80% of my time?”
Write down your answers and really study your list.

Pick one item on your list that is the real time-sucker. Try to limit the amount of time you do this activity this week or if eliminate it all together. This will absolutely help you create more time in your day to accomplish what you want to get done.

For me, I struggle with surfing the internet and watching too much tv. I try to limit surfing the web by allowing myself only 15/20 minutes after dinner. This helps me avoid spending hours and hours of time on something I don’t really care about. What strategies do you use? Let me know!

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