Thursday, November 13, 2014

Don't Give Up

So why the fish in the fishbowl? What does this have to do with employment and being ready to work? Well, sit back and let us show you the way! Beta fish also known as Chinese Fighting Fish are so aggressive with their own kind (they will fight to the death) need to live their lives in isolated bowls. They are so aggressive that in pet stores the sides of their bowls need to be covered so they do not smash into the glass over and over in an attempt to fight their neighbor. The job hunt is hopefully not nearly as violent as beta fish, however we know it can be frustrating and at often times tempting to dive into your own fishbowl and give up. We're challenging you to keep trying. Avoid isolating yourself from connection with others. We talk about this a lot, but you never know where a conversation might lead with a neighbor or the repair man - maybe they need an extra hand or know a friend who is hiding. Take the leap out of your fishbowl and meet, engage, and talk with others! Don't give up! A job is absolutely out there for you!

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