Wednesday, July 23, 2014

What is Oil Pulling?

Oil pulling. What is it? Have you guys heard of this before? Why is this included in ECHO dental week?

Lets get started.

Oil pulling is an ancient technique that long story short is using oil instead of mouthwash. The oil helps clean your mouth from bacteria and plaque, helps whiten your teeth, gum health, detoxing, and many more things...for now we're going to focus on the dental benefits because we're trying to keep our mouths as healthy as possible.

1. Choose an oil: You can go fancy and expensive here or you can go cheap. Of course books and websites say the more organic and less refined the oil the better, however I believe that simply starting this with a cheap oil is better than not doing it at all. You can use olive oil, coconut oil, sesame oil, or sunflower seed oil.
2. Swish: Try 1 tablespoon to start (for me this was too much so I used 1 teaspoon) and swish the oil between your teeth. It is recommended to do this for 20 minutes. Before you gasp and surf to a different website, let me assure you that this is the desired goal. Note the word "goal". I could barely stand it after 10 minutes but the more I do it, the easier it gets. Start small, work your way up. I found that swishing in the shower or while watching tv worked the best because I was distracted with other things. Let me know what works for you!
3. Spit it out! Don't swallow the oil because it contains all of the bacteria, plaque, and toxins we were talking about before! Make sure to spit it out.

If you want to learn more about oil pulling, here's a great YouTube video!

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