Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Sweat the Small Stuff?

We're undergoing a big re-branding shift here at ECHO and we're looking to change our presence to best fit your needs and style.

When I think of the word "ECHO" I think of a call and response. Shouting into the abyss and hearing an answer in the most unlikely and despairing times. We want to be the answer back. The support that helps you through an unstable time.

We found a tip today from the lovely Suze Orman: She says "do sweat the small stuff...take a look and size up if scaling back on just one or two of these items could save you $25 or more a month"
Wait and extra week or two to get your hair cut/styled.
Wash more, dry-clean less.
Drink economically.
Brown-bag it. (Make your own food!)
Go public. (Invest in a bike or keep at the bus, its way cheaper than a car.)

What are other "small stuff" tips that can help save a couple bucks each month? 

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