Thursday, October 23, 2014


We're in the process of going through a lot of changes here and ECHO...hint hint REBRANDING. Its still under secret protection wraps, but we've been learning so much about branding the organization we thought it would be cool to talk about re-branding yourself!

When we use this word "rebranding" it basically means we're looking at the way our clients and the greater Detroit view the ECHO Project. We're trying to put ourselves in your shoes. What messages are we really sending to the community? So we're analyzing our marketing materials (brochures, flyers, public service announcements, website, graphics, etc. etc.)

So how does this apply to you reader, you might ask? Well, we all show the world who we are by our clothes, attitude, language, job, presence etc. etc. all of these things are a way that we communicate our message to the world. How we want to be seen and treated. You might just think oh, I'm wearing a t-shirt and jeans today, but that sends a message! (Especially if you show up to a job interview in that outfit!) See what we mean?

So today we challenge you to think about your brand.
What messages do you send to the world in through your clothes, lifestyle choice, attitude, the way you speak etc! Try to view yourself as if you are meeting you for the first time. What do you notice?
Perhaps you want to try some 'rebranding' like us here at ECHO. How can changing your clothes change the way the world sees you?

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