Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Here's a quote for you all that we've been thinking a lot about today:

"Failure is not falling down but refusing to get up."

We found the Chinese proverb today. What do you think it is saying about failure?? Let's take little kids learning how to walk as our example today. Maybe many of you are parents or aunts and uncles or even God parents. Imagine that little child in your family learning to walk. When they stumbled and tripped or fell to the ground was that a failure? Or would the real failure be if they fell down and refused to try walking again! Does that make sense? 

It's not a failure to fall, but it is a failure not to try again. So get up, hold your head high and try, try, try again!

Look at this beautiful house plant trying to grow, grow, grow in this frigid winter! You can do this.

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