Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Happy New Year!
It's almost 2015! Don't forget to breathe, enjoy the moment, and think about all that you did in 2014!! Remember to enjoy the moment and take a second to appreciate how far you've come and how far you are going.
ECHO can't wait to be here for you in the New Year!
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Happy Days Together!
Are you hoping for a white holiday this week?
I found this vintage post card at a thrift shop and thought about you guys! Look for simple scraps of cute paper or magazines and clip them for small decorations around the house or gift tgs. Again, remember that this week is all about cozying up with family! Maybe bundle up and head outside for a family walk or a game of catch!
What are your family traditions and games for te holiday season? Let us know in the comments below!!
Thursday, December 18, 2014
10 Ways to Participate in the Holiday Spirit Without Spending a Dime!
1. Help your neighbors shovel snow!
2. Help clean out an attic or dirty garage for a friend!
3. Bake cookies!
4. Volunteer at your local community center!
5. Take the neighborhood dogs for a walk!
6. Babysit for a family member and give them a date night!
7. Pick up trash from your local park or empty lot!
8. Spend time with a relative that you haven't connected with recently!
9. Visit a neighbor or elder who doesn't have
someone to share the holiday with!
10. Sing some holiday songs with your family!
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Keep on giving!
Decorations for the holidays are not just about spending money! I know we've done. Lot of decorating tutorials lately, but that's for a reason! Yes, it is nice to get festive and celebrate this special time of year, but decorating your home also displays PRIDE in your neighborhood, home, an community. Putting up a string of lights or a garland of green might seem like a small or even silly gesture, but it shows your neighborhood that you take care of your home and your space! Why is this important? Well, this all relates back to giving during the holiday season! Decorating is one way you can GIVE to your community! Decorating displays beauty, care, and positivity that is contagious!!
What do you think about giving thru decorating ? Leave comment below and let's start a discussion!
Check out this simple holiday inspiration! Black table cloth, red table runner and a few ornaments! Voila!
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Holiday Stress?
Today I want to re-remind all of you out there that the holidays are about family. They're about giving and loving. If you can't give gifts or material items this year, don't stress. Remember that this time of year is simply about expressing your love and gratitude for those around you! So don't let the commericals and ads and tv and radio and magazines stress you this season.
Snuggle up and tell your family you love them. Play a game together or go for a winter walk or ice skate down at Campus Maritus. Either way, remember to take a breath and enjoy the moment of being together!
Look for the little things like these snowflake projections I found at the local theatre! Aren't they so festive?
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Remember the Sunset!
Inspiring sunset photo to share today! With all of these grey days, it's nice to remember the sun!!
It's time to start settling into winter!
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Decorate Boxes!
Another inspiring idea to show you today! Believe it or not these are donation boxes for holiday gifts and winter clothing! Take a cardboard box and wrap with wrapping paper and ribbon (you can find them for super cheap at Meijer or DollarTree!) Wrap the cardboard as if you were wrapping a real present and use as decoration around your house or at your workplace! Remember, this month is all about giving - one way you can give to your family or neighbors or co-workers is by spreading holiday cheer! Decorations are festive, cheerful, and can be super cheap with a little planning!
Check out the example below:
Tuesday, December 09, 2014
DIY Post card Christmas Tree!
Another cheap decorating idea coming your way today! Look at this adorable Christmas tree!! Use post cards, Christmas cards, even scraps of newspapers or cool images, attach a pretty stri or ribbon from Dollar Tree and voila! Any other ideas? Send them our way!!
Thursday, December 04, 2014
Holiday Decorating Ideas!
Cheap holiday decoration at your service! Find some sticks or branches without leaves and spray paint white. Wrap a strand of white lights around the sticks and put into a pretty pot or basin!!
Wednesday, December 03, 2014
Holiday Saving Tip!
If you are strapped this holiday season we have a tip for you! Instead of getting gifts for each member of your family, how about a secret Santa? You can put everyone's names in a hat (or use my favorite website and buy one nice gift instead of struggling to keep up with all of your spending!
Any other gift giving tips? Let us know in the comments below!
Tuesday, December 02, 2014
Today is #GivingTuesday
What is that? Well, let us tell you!!
Here's a brief description from the #GivingTuesday website:
We have a day for giving thanks. We have two for getting deals. Now, we have #GivingTuesday, a global day dedicated to giving back. On Tuesday, December 2, 2014, charities, families, businesses, community centers, and students around the world will come together for one common purpose: to celebrate generosity and to give.
So how can you give back to your family, friends, neighbors, and community today? Maybe you can pick up trash on your block or make a meal for a friend in new, or volunteer your time at a community event! The possibilities are endless when it comes to giving! We're standing right along side you!
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Cook for less!
Happy almost Thanksgiving everyone! Are you feeling the holiday spirit yet? Quick tip to help you minimize your spending during this time of year. Maybe you're attending thanksgiving dinner at a family members house or maybe you're hosting yourself, either way when it comes to dessert we're all hoping for pumpkin! Instead of buying a pie from Meijer or another supermarket for at least $5 or more, we have an even better idea to propose: MAKE IT YOURSELF! I promise it will be cheaper and you will have in doing it! All together making one load of pumpkin bread will cost under $5 (and will taste way better because you made it!) once you purchase he ingredients you can make double, triple the recipe and get more bang for your buck! I made a sample for myself from y favorite food blog: and I can say with confidence that it is EASY, CHEAP, and DELICIOUS. Making things yourself will save you money, I promise! So go ahead, try it! Turn it into a date night or family fun evening! Send us a picture and leave a comment about how your pumpkin bread turned out! Here's mine:
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Winter Gear
Now that time of year is coming around the corner again, it's time to start talking about winter gear! For starters, pull out the winter clothing stash...(in my excitement for summer I hid a lot of my winter clothes! Hopefully you don't have this problem too!! I can't find my gloves anywhere!) It's a good idea to wash all of your gear for the season, chances are you rushed to put your clothes away, eager for t-shirts again! But old winter sweaters can collect dust, mites, and strange scents from being packed away all winter. May as well get a fresh start and take your old favorites to the laundromat! Washing your clothes will help you see what you are missing and take stock of your wardrobe. Who knows, you might discover a pair of long underwear you forgot you had! It's always better to go shopping in your own closet before spending money at the store. Check Family Dollar for cheap basics like thin gloves at hats. These make great liners for below your regular winter gear. Last but not least, a tip from a wise grandmother - always wear socks and keep your shirt tucked in!
Drafts = cold.
What winter weather tips do you have to share? Let us know in the comments below!
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
It's getting cold!
Is it safe to say winter is coming upon us? Take some time to think about the animals in your life! What do they need to get through a Detroit winter? Make sure they have a warm place to sleep and rest during the day! If you cannot afford a coat or fancy dog gear, that is fine! Check out my greyhound modeling one of my sweatshirts!
Think about the animals around you or in your neighborhood and do your best to help them get comfortable and warm!
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Don't Give Up
So why the fish in the fishbowl? What does this have to do with employment and being ready to work? Well, sit back and let us show you the way! Beta fish also known as Chinese Fighting Fish are so aggressive with their own kind (they will fight to the death) need to live their lives in isolated bowls. They are so aggressive that in pet stores the sides of their bowls need to be covered so they do not smash into the glass over and over in an attempt to fight their neighbor. The job hunt is hopefully not nearly as violent as beta fish, however we know it can be frustrating and at often times tempting to dive into your own fishbowl and give up. We're challenging you to keep trying. Avoid isolating yourself from connection with others. We talk about this a lot, but you never know where a conversation might lead with a neighbor or the repair man - maybe they need an extra hand or know a friend who is hiding. Take the leap out of your fishbowl and meet, engage, and talk with others! Don't give up! A job is absolutely out there for you!
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Homeostasis Thoughts
Some fall-spiration! Today I learned a new theory from a local psychiatrist that I thought was very applicable for all of you! Do you remember studying homeostasis in biology class? Does this word sound at all familiar? Homeostasis in scientific terms is the nature of balance and harmony, specifically in the ecosystem or our bodies. For example, let's say we catch a fall cold from some kind of virus in the air. That virus throws off our body's balance and homeostasis, thus the body works hard to fight off the virus in order to return to balance. Make sense? Well, this psychiatrist related homeostasis to our lives and families. She said humans naturally strive for balance and gave me this example: let's say mom has completely given up drinking. Her life is starting to fit back together, but suddenly her son starts getting in trouble at school. The psychiatrist said this is extremely normal because when mom stopped drinking the negative homeostasis was thrown off, impacting her child to fill in that gap. What do you guys think about this? How do you see this take place in your own home or workplace?
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Inspiration Station!
Things have been really busy for everyone here at ECHO lately. We've been rushing, typing, helping, finding (not to mention rebranding!) It's always good to take a moment to slow down and notice the world around us. Today I send you this bit of inspiration found from my desk! Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!
Wednesday, November 05, 2014
UPS is Hiring!
Got an amazing opportunity today for those of you go are looking for work or who are looking I make more money to support you family! UPS is HIRING.
Why is this do great? Well, for starters the pay is great and there is opportunity for getting further into the mail/package/transport industry, not to mention it is a very reputable company! Please, please leave a comment below or find us on Twitter at DetroitEcho and we can help you apply!!!
Why is this do great? Well, for starters the pay is great and there is opportunity for getting further into the mail/package/transport industry, not to mention it is a very reputable company! Please, please leave a comment below or find us on Twitter at DetroitEcho and we can help you apply!!!
Tuesday, November 04, 2014
Catch YOUR Fire
Some beautiful words of creative wisdom from "Catch the Fire" by Peggy Taylor and Charlie Murphy:
"The arts provide powerful tools for transforming lives and communities. In the not-too distant past - and in some cultures still today - creative expression was seamlessly woven into everyday life. Cross-cultural anthropologist Angeles Arrien tells us that in land-based cultures, when sick people went to the local healer, they were essentially asked four questions. She calls these the healing salves:
-When did you stop singing?
-When did you stop dancing?
-When did you stop telling your story?
-When did you stop sitting in silence?"
How beautiful is this? Unfortunately these days we don't have local healers, we do have organizations and community groups who can help one another heal. I love these questions and how about today ask them to yourself! Fall is a stressful, buzzing time for us all and the first thing that slips is connecting to our inner creativity. Do you need some healing? Do you need to connect to you inner artist? Look within and discover this ancient practice for natural health.
Lots of love ECHO friends!
"The arts provide powerful tools for transforming lives and communities. In the not-too distant past - and in some cultures still today - creative expression was seamlessly woven into everyday life. Cross-cultural anthropologist Angeles Arrien tells us that in land-based cultures, when sick people went to the local healer, they were essentially asked four questions. She calls these the healing salves:
-When did you stop singing?
-When did you stop dancing?
-When did you stop telling your story?
-When did you stop sitting in silence?"
How beautiful is this? Unfortunately these days we don't have local healers, we do have organizations and community groups who can help one another heal. I love these questions and how about today ask them to yourself! Fall is a stressful, buzzing time for us all and the first thing that slips is connecting to our inner creativity. Do you need some healing? Do you need to connect to you inner artist? Look within and discover this ancient practice for natural health.
Lots of love ECHO friends!
Thursday, October 30, 2014
LEAPS Classes in Highland Park
LEAPS (Literary Education and Parenting Success) is holding GED and adult literacy classes in Highland Park!!
Cortland Elementary School
138 Cortland, Highland Park MI 48203
Mon-Wed 8:30am-11:30am and 12:30-3:30
To enroll call:
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
NaNoWriMo 2014!
Hello ECHO friends! So you might be wondering from the title of this post...
What is NaNoWriMo?
Yes, it is a strange word. No, it is not a video game or the latest electronic. This crazy word stands for National Novel Writing Month. In The month of November people all over the world commit to the challenge: writing a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. Sounds crazy? Yes, it is indeed a bit crazy...however with all the talk we do about setting goals on this blog I thought it would be interesting to share. I'm not saying you have to write a novel in November (though if you do contact me in the comments below!) I just think this is a great model for goal setting in a community.
What are your goals for the month of November?
What can you accomplish in 30 days?
Leave a comment or call us at ECHO! We're here to help you achieve your dreams one step at a time!
What is NaNoWriMo?
Yes, it is a strange word. No, it is not a video game or the latest electronic. This crazy word stands for National Novel Writing Month. In The month of November people all over the world commit to the challenge: writing a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. Sounds crazy? Yes, it is indeed a bit crazy...however with all the talk we do about setting goals on this blog I thought it would be interesting to share. I'm not saying you have to write a novel in November (though if you do contact me in the comments below!) I just think this is a great model for goal setting in a community.
What are your goals for the month of November?
What can you accomplish in 30 days?
Leave a comment or call us at ECHO! We're here to help you achieve your dreams one step at a time!
Thursday, October 23, 2014
We're in the process of going through a lot of changes here and ECHO...hint hint REBRANDING. Its still under secret protection wraps, but we've been learning so much about branding the organization we thought it would be cool to talk about re-branding yourself!
When we use this word "rebranding" it basically means we're looking at the way our clients and the greater Detroit view the ECHO Project. We're trying to put ourselves in your shoes. What messages are we really sending to the community? So we're analyzing our marketing materials (brochures, flyers, public service announcements, website, graphics, etc. etc.)
So how does this apply to you reader, you might ask? Well, we all show the world who we are by our clothes, attitude, language, job, presence etc. etc. all of these things are a way that we communicate our message to the world. How we want to be seen and treated. You might just think oh, I'm wearing a t-shirt and jeans today, but that sends a message! (Especially if you show up to a job interview in that outfit!) See what we mean?
So today we challenge you to think about your brand.
What messages do you send to the world in through your clothes, lifestyle choice, attitude, the way you speak etc! Try to view yourself as if you are meeting you for the first time. What do you notice?
Perhaps you want to try some 'rebranding' like us here at ECHO. How can changing your clothes change the way the world sees you?
When we use this word "rebranding" it basically means we're looking at the way our clients and the greater Detroit view the ECHO Project. We're trying to put ourselves in your shoes. What messages are we really sending to the community? So we're analyzing our marketing materials (brochures, flyers, public service announcements, website, graphics, etc. etc.)
So how does this apply to you reader, you might ask? Well, we all show the world who we are by our clothes, attitude, language, job, presence etc. etc. all of these things are a way that we communicate our message to the world. How we want to be seen and treated. You might just think oh, I'm wearing a t-shirt and jeans today, but that sends a message! (Especially if you show up to a job interview in that outfit!) See what we mean?
So today we challenge you to think about your brand.
What messages do you send to the world in through your clothes, lifestyle choice, attitude, the way you speak etc! Try to view yourself as if you are meeting you for the first time. What do you notice?
Perhaps you want to try some 'rebranding' like us here at ECHO. How can changing your clothes change the way the world sees you?
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Jobs & XPAC Challenge
New job posting today!
The U.S. Department of Census is looking for interviewers in Wayne County! To set up an interview for this listing call: 1-800-865-6384, Extension 15 or reach out to us via blog/twitter/call us up at ECHO and we can help you apply! This is a really great opportunity with great pay and we would love to see some of our ECHO clients get hired!!As for the rest of this blog post today, I have a little question/challenge for you guys. I just discovered this new website today via Social in Detroit on Twitter. I would love to hear your thoughts and comments! Detroit XPAC describes themselves as a political action committee determined to elect officials who will "consistently stand up for the rights of Detroit." Sounds pretty nice right? Explore the website a bit and lets talk about it! Leave a comment or email us at!
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Job Listings!
Hi everyone! Here are a couple more DESC job listings this week to throw your way. Remember, if you are interested in any of these jobs contact us for some extra help on your resume, interview attire, and help preparing! That's what we're here for!
CDL Class-A Drop & Hook Drivers
Tuesday, October 21st, 2014
5555 Connor Avenue Detroit MI 48213
Valid CDL Class A lisence with at least 1 year recent experience
Valid medical card
Professional, timely, reading and writing skills
No DUI conviction in 7 years
CDL-A Drivers
Tuesday, October 21st 2014
9301 Michigan Avenue, Detroit MI 48210
Minimum CDL-A endorsement
Must have a flexible schedule
Required training and meetings
Pass background check and drug screen
High school diploma/GED
Customer Service Representatives
Tuesday October 21st
1:30 pm
9301 Michigan Avenue, Detroit MI 48210
Valid drivers license
Pass background check and drug screen
Certified and Non-Certified Teachers
Tuesday, October 21st 2014
8:30 am
9301 Michigan Avenue, Detroit MI 48210
Teaching certification
At least 60 hrs of teaching experience
Official transcript
Minimum 90 college credit hours
Pass background check and drug screen
General Laborers and Machine Operators
Friday October 24th, 2014
8:30 am
9301 Michigan Avenue, Detroit MI 48210
High school diploma or GED
Previous work history with at least 2 years in manufacturing environment
Reliable transportation
Available to start right away
Pass background check and drug screen
(855) 363-ECHO (3246)
CDL Class-A Drop & Hook Drivers
Tuesday, October 21st, 2014
5555 Connor Avenue Detroit MI 48213
Valid CDL Class A lisence with at least 1 year recent experience
Valid medical card
Professional, timely, reading and writing skills
No DUI conviction in 7 years
CDL-A Drivers
Tuesday, October 21st 2014
9301 Michigan Avenue, Detroit MI 48210
Minimum CDL-A endorsement
Must have a flexible schedule
Required training and meetings
Pass background check and drug screen
High school diploma/GED
Customer Service Representatives
Tuesday October 21st
1:30 pm
9301 Michigan Avenue, Detroit MI 48210
Valid drivers license
Pass background check and drug screen
Certified and Non-Certified Teachers
Tuesday, October 21st 2014
8:30 am
9301 Michigan Avenue, Detroit MI 48210
Teaching certification
At least 60 hrs of teaching experience
Official transcript
Minimum 90 college credit hours
Pass background check and drug screen
General Laborers and Machine Operators
Friday October 24th, 2014
8:30 am
9301 Michigan Avenue, Detroit MI 48210
High school diploma or GED
Previous work history with at least 2 years in manufacturing environment
Reliable transportation
Available to start right away
Pass background check and drug screen
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
I don't know why it has taken me this long, but today I discovered "SocialDetroit" FREE calendar. Basically it is a list of all things FREE to do in Detroit by day. How great is that?
So here's some help with the website navigation if it is confusing to you:
Once you click the link above it will take you to a page where there are lots of tiny little boxes across the top. Ignore those for now. Instead, scroll down a bit and look under "Wednesday October 15th" There you will see a bunch of small pictures with the name of the event, location, and on the top right corner in blue, the TIME. You can click on the picture for more specific information, or scroll down for another date later in the week or month.
Check this website regularly for various events in the area. It is always good to know what is going on in your community - and remember - it doesn't have to say "networking event" to be a networking event. Meeting people in any situation can lead to a new job, new idea, fresh start etc. etc...
Get out there and enjoy all that Detroit has to offer! Woohoo!!
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Happy Birthday Bishop Vann!
As many of you know, here at ECHO we have sites at various churches in Detroit. We partner with churches to connect with the spiritual community and expand our services to Detroiters who go to their church for help. One of our sites that we love sincerely is Second Ebenezer! Today Bishop Vann is celebrating a birthday and everyone is welcome to come join and celebrate at 7pm tonight! Thank you Bishop Vann for all of your hard work and dedication to your community! We're so grateful for you!
Friday, October 10, 2014
New Job Postings!
Today we have two new job opportunities to share with you guys from DESC:
Customer Service Representatives
Tuesday, October 14th 8:30am
5555 Connor Avenue, Detroit MI 48213
Strong work ethic, high school diploma/GED, typing skills, detail oriented, pass a drug test
Cake Decorators
Tuesday, October 14th 8:30am
9301 Michigan Avenue, Detroit MI 48210
Pastry experience required, pass a drug test, detail oriented, able to work with customers
Customer Service Representatives
Tuesday, October 14th 8:30am
5555 Connor Avenue, Detroit MI 48213
Strong work ethic, high school diploma/GED, typing skills, detail oriented, pass a drug test
Cake Decorators
Tuesday, October 14th 8:30am
9301 Michigan Avenue, Detroit MI 48210
Pastry experience required, pass a drug test, detail oriented, able to work with customers
Keep checking in with us at ECHO for many, many more job leads to help you on your way to success!
Pick up the phone and call us!
(855) 363-ECHO (3246)
Wednesday, October 08, 2014
Winter-Proof your Abode
To elaborate on our post yesterday, here are a few tips to help prepare your home for the winter!
1. Caulk around windows and doors to block those tiny, sneaky leaks. You might have done this last year or the year before, but fresh caulk and new eyes can save you from a wintery chill! (and lower your heating bill)
2. Clean out your gutters! I know this is not a favorite household job, but if your gutters are crowded, icicles and dams will build up in the winter time causing potential water damage!
3. Divert the water. Add extension gutters to your home to divert the melting water 3-4 feet away from your foundation. Ultimately, protecting the base of your home!
4. Cover your windows. Old Detroit homes are quite charming, but also quite drafty. Old windows scream money pit. Cover your windows with plastic and insulating material for warmth and savings!
5. This is a fascinating tip - if you have a ceiling fan that has a reverse function, try the opposite direction after you turn on your heat. Apparently, this creates an updraft and pushes heated air down from the ceiling. If any of you try this, please let us know! We're so curious!
1. Caulk around windows and doors to block those tiny, sneaky leaks. You might have done this last year or the year before, but fresh caulk and new eyes can save you from a wintery chill! (and lower your heating bill)
2. Clean out your gutters! I know this is not a favorite household job, but if your gutters are crowded, icicles and dams will build up in the winter time causing potential water damage!
3. Divert the water. Add extension gutters to your home to divert the melting water 3-4 feet away from your foundation. Ultimately, protecting the base of your home!
4. Cover your windows. Old Detroit homes are quite charming, but also quite drafty. Old windows scream money pit. Cover your windows with plastic and insulating material for warmth and savings!
5. This is a fascinating tip - if you have a ceiling fan that has a reverse function, try the opposite direction after you turn on your heat. Apparently, this creates an updraft and pushes heated air down from the ceiling. If any of you try this, please let us know! We're so curious!
Tuesday, October 07, 2014
Lets Think Ahead
Hi everyone! October is moving right along before our eyes! Since the fall season seems to be flying by, I thought it appropriate to talk about how to start preparing for winter. I know, I know... Not as fun as our Apple sauce recipe and homemade fall decorations from last week, but preparing for another winter is crucial! The earlier you start the more calm and prepared you will feel (not to mention saving money!) Prepping for winter will be te theme this week so sit back and enjoy...
1. Start buying packaged food on sale. Take advantage of coupons and Halloween specials and start gathering for your pantry! Think like a squirrel gathering nuts...embrace your inner squirrel...
2. Check your house. Before the temperatures drop dramatically: look for leaks, creaks, and drafty corners. Don't wait to freeze in your own home before you take action. Look for handy man deals or get your neighbors together to pool funds for supplies to winter proof your him!
3. Stock up on supplies for snow. Salt, shovels, antifreeze, windshield wipers, scrapers etc. etc.
I know it can be hard to think about winter in the midst of a beautiful fall, but the more you can think ahead, the more money and time you will save! Do you have any prep for winter tips? Let us know in the comments below or tweet to us!!
1. Start buying packaged food on sale. Take advantage of coupons and Halloween specials and start gathering for your pantry! Think like a squirrel gathering nuts...embrace your inner squirrel...
2. Check your house. Before the temperatures drop dramatically: look for leaks, creaks, and drafty corners. Don't wait to freeze in your own home before you take action. Look for handy man deals or get your neighbors together to pool funds for supplies to winter proof your him!
3. Stock up on supplies for snow. Salt, shovels, antifreeze, windshield wipers, scrapers etc. etc.
I know it can be hard to think about winter in the midst of a beautiful fall, but the more you can think ahead, the more money and time you will save! Do you have any prep for winter tips? Let us know in the comments below or tweet to us!!
Friday, October 03, 2014
Clothing Drive!
New Providence Baptist Church.
Sat Oct 4th 9am-2pm
118211 Plymouth Rd., Detroit, MI 48228
Bring Fall SMELLS into your Home!
I found this gem of a blog post and thought I would link it to ours today! Since this week we've been talking all about fall looks, tastes, decorations...I thought I would include this blog post about incorporating yummy fall SMELLS into your home! Making your own pauperie, scented candles, baking pies, making your own fire starters and so much more! Yummy....
Wednesday, October 01, 2014
DIY AppleSauce
Here's a quick recipe for homemade apple sauce!
Chop a bustle of apples and throw them into a pot on the stove. Add some cinnamon (and a pinch of sugar if you desire, though they don't need anything!) and some lemon juice with a bit of water. Put a lid on the pot and leave the apples to simmer for an hour (or longer!) and do a taste test! If you like your apple sauce more chunky, take it off the heat sooner. If you like your apple sauce fine, mash up some of the apples and let it simmer for a while longer! You can also make applesauce in your crock pot if you have one of those!
Chop a bustle of apples and throw them into a pot on the stove. Add some cinnamon (and a pinch of sugar if you desire, though they don't need anything!) and some lemon juice with a bit of water. Put a lid on the pot and leave the apples to simmer for an hour (or longer!) and do a taste test! If you like your apple sauce more chunky, take it off the heat sooner. If you like your apple sauce fine, mash up some of the apples and let it simmer for a while longer! You can also make applesauce in your crock pot if you have one of those!
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Decorate for Fall without Breaking the Budget!
Can you feel the chill in the air? October is here TOMORROW and we thought we'd gather a few fall decorating projects that are CHEAP and easy!
1. Collect a few branches with orange, yellow, or brown leaves for a great bouquet!
1. Collect a few branches with orange, yellow, or brown leaves for a great bouquet!
2. Gather some apples (you can get a huge bushel from Eastern Market for under $5!) Carve out a bit of the top, pop in a tea light from DollarTree and you're good to go!
3. Grab a glass vase from your cabinet or DollarTree fill with popcorn kernels, some fresh fall leaves and a candle! Simple, simple, simple!
If you have any cheap fall decorating ideas, let us know! We'd love to try them out :)
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Clothes, Bargains, and Carpools...Oh My!
We all know fall is the season for change. It's time to get back to school, the days are getting cooler, the leaves are turning seems for me life continues to change during this fall period. I apologize for missing our routine blog posts this week. We all seem to be facing lots of change in our lives and as a result some things slip. I do not intend to let you guys down, so lets continue the back to school tips!
Today I wanted to talk about back to school clothing options and a few other shortcuts to help save some money this season!
1. I love Salvation Army. The downtown location (1200 West Fort Street) has daily 50% off sales and sometimes special sales to keep an eye out for. Sometimes I just call and ask for the upcoming sale events because who doesn't love a bargain? (313-309-3372)
2. Salvation Army has other locations that I'm sure you already know about. Just in case:
Today I wanted to talk about back to school clothing options and a few other shortcuts to help save some money this season!
1. I love Salvation Army. The downtown location (1200 West Fort Street) has daily 50% off sales and sometimes special sales to keep an eye out for. Sometimes I just call and ask for the upcoming sale events because who doesn't love a bargain? (313-309-3372)
2. Salvation Army has other locations that I'm sure you already know about. Just in case:
7640 Michigan Ave
(313) 849-4177
5600 E 8 Mile Rd
(313) 891-6644
3. Every day, many Detroit kids take the public bus to school. Detroit public transportation
(as well all know) is super unreliable. One way to help your kids education and to get them
to school on time is to start a neighborhood carpool. Gather some parents or friends of your
kids and rotate on a daily or weekly basis. Your kids will be more likely to be on time, excited
to wake up and travel with friends, and you will benefit from the peace knowing their getting
their education one day at a time!
Friday, September 19, 2014
Job Leads!
Hi Everyone! Today we have a couple of job leads to throw your way:
Delivery Drivers:
Meet Monday September 22nd at 8:30am
18100 Meyers, Detroit, MI 48235
Wear business attire!
Must have valid chauffeurs license!
Maintenance Workers, Cleaning Staff, and Leasing Agents:
Meet Wednesday September 24th at 8:30am
5555 Connor Avenue, Detroit, MI 48213
Wear business attire!
Quality Technicians:
Meet Wednesday September 24th at 8:30am
18100 Meyers, Detroit, MI 48235
Wear business attire!
Must fully understand measurement devices!
Hi-Lo Operators:
Thurs September 25th at 8:30am
5555 Connor Avenue, Detroit, MI 48213
Wear business attire!
Need Hi-Lo experience and valid certification!
Telesales Representatives:
Tuesday September 23rd at 8:30am
18100 Meyers, Detroit, MI 48235
Wear business attire!
Must have good computer skills and experience in sales!
Transport Drivers:
Monday September 29th at 8:30am
5555 Connor Avenue, Detroit, MI 48213
Wear business attire!
Needs experience with CDL Chauffeurs
EVERYONE needs to bring:
Several copies of your resume
A valid drivers license
Social Security card
Proof of Public Assistance (DHS or Social Security)
Proof of Income earned in the past 6 months
Copy of layoff notice or unemployment documentation
Must have completed high school or GED
Delivery Drivers:
Meet Monday September 22nd at 8:30am
18100 Meyers, Detroit, MI 48235
Wear business attire!
Must have valid chauffeurs license!
Maintenance Workers, Cleaning Staff, and Leasing Agents:
Meet Wednesday September 24th at 8:30am
5555 Connor Avenue, Detroit, MI 48213
Wear business attire!

Meet Wednesday September 24th at 8:30am
18100 Meyers, Detroit, MI 48235
Wear business attire!
Must fully understand measurement devices!
Hi-Lo Operators:
Thurs September 25th at 8:30am
5555 Connor Avenue, Detroit, MI 48213
Wear business attire!
Need Hi-Lo experience and valid certification!
Telesales Representatives:
Tuesday September 23rd at 8:30am
18100 Meyers, Detroit, MI 48235
Wear business attire!
Must have good computer skills and experience in sales!
Transport Drivers:
Monday September 29th at 8:30am
5555 Connor Avenue, Detroit, MI 48213
Wear business attire!
Needs experience with CDL Chauffeurs
EVERYONE needs to bring:
Several copies of your resume
A valid drivers license
Social Security card
Proof of Public Assistance (DHS or Social Security)
Proof of Income earned in the past 6 months
Copy of layoff notice or unemployment documentation
Must have completed high school or GED
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Get Back into Routine!
The transition from summer to school can be a tough change for most kids. The key is to get into the school routine as quickly as possible to help with all of the new-ness. We've gathered a few tips to help make that routine happen!
1. Start going to bed 15 minutes earlier each night before school starts so the kids have time to adjust to waking up early (and going to bed early too!).
2. Get your kids involved. Ask them for help with dinner or lunch suggestions. Include them in preparing for school - this will boost their confidence and help them to get more EXCITED for the changes!
3. Write out the routine! What do they do when they wake up? What do they need to do before getting on the bus? The clearer you make it, the more secure they will feel.
4. Stay active. Physical activity always helps in times of stress and change!
5. Listen. Every year is different, every child is different. It is important to stay present and listen to your children as they go through this transition. Who knows, maybe you'll come up with a creative idea to help them that no one has ever heard before!
1. Start going to bed 15 minutes earlier each night before school starts so the kids have time to adjust to waking up early (and going to bed early too!).

3. Write out the routine! What do they do when they wake up? What do they need to do before getting on the bus? The clearer you make it, the more secure they will feel.
4. Stay active. Physical activity always helps in times of stress and change!
5. Listen. Every year is different, every child is different. It is important to stay present and listen to your children as they go through this transition. Who knows, maybe you'll come up with a creative idea to help them that no one has ever heard before!
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Save on School Supplies!
Here are a few tips we've compiled to help you save on school supplies this fall!
1. Contact your local paper, church, organizations, and community centers for FREE school supplies. Often newspapers list their top donors for the year and can help guide you in the right direction.
2. Pack your lunches from home and save a ton at school. Get your kids involved in cooking and help them learn the benefits of making your own meals!
3. Set a budget! If you have the means to create a budget for your kids clothes, give them a set amount they can spend, depending on their age, allow them to purchase clothes within the budget (making sure of course they get at least one new pair of jeans, shoes, and a fall jacket!) This will help them learn budgeting skills that they can use in the future!
4. Shop at home first. You never know, maybe you have extra glue sticks, crayons, notebooks, or folders lying around from last year! Go shopping at home before you buy something you already have.
5. Let your child splurge on 1 school supply item (so they can get excited for school!) and keep the rest used/low cost.
6. Check out larger/smaller packaging. Do you really need 8 tubes of glue? Sometimes the smaller packing on school supplies has better deals. Check the prices.
This is a group in Detroit that lists items that people are trying to give away in an effort to be more green! Join the group for notifications on things that people in your community are giving away for free.
8. Leave your kids at home when doing the bulk of school supply shopping. It will be difficult to focus on finding the best deals when they're trying to convince you to get folders with ponies on them! :)
9. I don't know about you guys, but as a kid all of my binders ALWAYS broke very early on in the school year. I recently discovered that you can return broken binders at Staples up to a year after your purchase!! (of course, bring your receipt!)
Any tips we missed? Let us know in the comments below!
1. Contact your local paper, church, organizations, and community centers for FREE school supplies. Often newspapers list their top donors for the year and can help guide you in the right direction.
2. Pack your lunches from home and save a ton at school. Get your kids involved in cooking and help them learn the benefits of making your own meals!
3. Set a budget! If you have the means to create a budget for your kids clothes, give them a set amount they can spend, depending on their age, allow them to purchase clothes within the budget (making sure of course they get at least one new pair of jeans, shoes, and a fall jacket!) This will help them learn budgeting skills that they can use in the future!
4. Shop at home first. You never know, maybe you have extra glue sticks, crayons, notebooks, or folders lying around from last year! Go shopping at home before you buy something you already have.
5. Let your child splurge on 1 school supply item (so they can get excited for school!) and keep the rest used/low cost.
6. Check out larger/smaller packaging. Do you really need 8 tubes of glue? Sometimes the smaller packing on school supplies has better deals. Check the prices.
This is a group in Detroit that lists items that people are trying to give away in an effort to be more green! Join the group for notifications on things that people in your community are giving away for free.
8. Leave your kids at home when doing the bulk of school supply shopping. It will be difficult to focus on finding the best deals when they're trying to convince you to get folders with ponies on them! :)
9. I don't know about you guys, but as a kid all of my binders ALWAYS broke very early on in the school year. I recently discovered that you can return broken binders at Staples up to a year after your purchase!! (of course, bring your receipt!)
Any tips we missed? Let us know in the comments below!
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Women of Color STEM Conference: TONIGHT
Happy Thursday everyone!
There's something great happening for the ladies tonight in Detroit. Here are the details:
There's something great happening for the ladies tonight in Detroit. Here are the details:
Women of Color STEM Conference
Come join us in the host city of the 2014 Women of Color STEM Conference. This event will have great industry speakers, provide networking opportunities, as well as food and drinks for your enjoyment. This event will be held in Room -42 Degree North- Level 3
5-7pm Sept 11th
Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center
400 Renaissance Drive
Detroit, MI 48243
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Try Something New!
I've been thinking a lot about learning new things and how important it is for adults to keep up their brain elasticity. We do so much talking on this blog about learning new things - all of which are very career driven! Today I want to stress the importance of learning something new to challenge your brain, heart, and spirit. I recently purchased a ukelele off of Amazon for this very reason. As I embark on learning something new just because it feels good, I invite you guys to try the same. Maybe you will never get to be a professional ukelele player... but learning new skills keeps the brain active, helps you become a great problem solver, increases confidence, and makes you a more active person which can improve your career and personal relationship success!
Here are a few things you can try:
Join a new sports team
Learn a musical instrument
Study a new language
Drive stick shift
Try some new card games
Listen to a new type of music
Take dance lessons
Try some yoga
And remember, you don't have to pay to learn new skills! Always check for FREE video resources or ask your neighbors (or ECHO) for some help!
Tuesday, September 09, 2014
Sweat the Small Stuff?
We're undergoing a big re-branding shift here at ECHO and we're looking to change our presence to best fit your needs and style.
When I think of the word "ECHO" I think of a call and response. Shouting into the abyss and hearing an answer in the most unlikely and despairing times. We want to be the answer back. The support that helps you through an unstable time.
We found a tip today from the lovely Suze Orman: She says "do sweat the small stuff...take a look and size up if scaling back on just one or two of these items could save you $25 or more a month"
When I think of the word "ECHO" I think of a call and response. Shouting into the abyss and hearing an answer in the most unlikely and despairing times. We want to be the answer back. The support that helps you through an unstable time.
We found a tip today from the lovely Suze Orman: She says "do sweat the small stuff...take a look and size up if scaling back on just one or two of these items could save you $25 or more a month"
Wait and extra week or two to get your hair cut/styled.
Wash more, dry-clean less.
Drink economically.
Brown-bag it. (Make your own food!)
Go public. (Invest in a bike or keep at the bus, its way cheaper than a car.)
What are other "small stuff" tips that can help save a couple bucks each month?
Friday, September 05, 2014
100th Blog Post!
To celebrate, we thought we'd ask for some feedback from you guys!
What have you enjoyed about our ECHO blog so far?
What topics would you like to learn more about?
How can we best serve you with ECHO blog?
Thanks for all of your support and we can't wait to hear your replies!
Leave a comment below or email us at
Thursday, September 04, 2014
Stay the Course
Almost at 100 blog posts! Can you believe it? What a journey we've been on together!
On that note, I was thinking today we could talk about CONSISTENCY. Staying the course. Committing to something and doing it every day or over and over again. Our blog is our commitment to consistency. You all read our posts and expect us to be here for you. We do our best to post regularly and serve as a model. Consistency is important to us and we want our actions to reflect that.
On that note, I was thinking today we could talk about CONSISTENCY. Staying the course. Committing to something and doing it every day or over and over again. Our blog is our commitment to consistency. You all read our posts and expect us to be here for you. We do our best to post regularly and serve as a model. Consistency is important to us and we want our actions to reflect that.
Ask yourself these questions:
Where am I most consistent in my life?
What do I commit to doing every day?
What do I wish I could commit to every day?
(ex. Working out? Saving money? Arriving on time?)
Wednesday, September 03, 2014
Job Searching?
We've got some job searching tips this week!
1. Remember a few weeks ago when we announced our new Twitter account? We'll we've been doing some searching and there are TONS of jobs posted on Twitter. Crazy, right? Check out these links for some helpful leads:
2. Visit the places you want to work. Go to stores, gas stations, restaurants, etc. etc. and talk to people there. Ask them what it's like to work there and start to make connections. Who knows? Sometimes they will need someone and hire you on the spot.
3. Make an appointment at ECHO. We get a lot of job leads here and first and foremost, we're here to help you. We can work with you on your resume, applying online, interview skills, what to wear, and so much more. Call us at (855) 363-ECHO (3246) or (313) 674-5077
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Praise in the Park

Let us know if you need help! That's what we're here for.
We wanted to give you a heads up for an event coming up in a few days (August 30th).
GOD’s Anointed has
spearheaded for the past five years a collaborative community outreach called,
“Praise in the Park.” There are various
denominations, organizations and the philanthropic community that partner with
us to do this empowering event.
Free clothing, food, school supplies, hair cuts,
health services, job and educational information; bouncers, pony and train
rides; prayer, praise, preaching and much more!
This event will be held:
August 30, 2014 @ the Richard Allen Park
(formally Nardin Park) @ Grand
River/W. Chicago, from 1:00-5:00pm.
for more information.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
7 Day Challenge
We have a challenge for you today at ECHO.
In doing our research on budgeting and how to help others map their money, we've stumbled across the idea over and over again of writing down your spending. It can be hard after grocery shopping or a random visit to the gas station for a pop, but its important. Those little purchases sneak up.
So here's the challenge:
Write down everything you spend money on for 7 days. Every little thing. Keep a piece of paper in your pocket or purse and actually make an effort to write it down. (or maybe write it in your new planner!)
Once the week is over look at what you are spending your money on.
Where is most of your money going? Can you cut back on any of it? How do you view your own spending?
In doing our research on budgeting and how to help others map their money, we've stumbled across the idea over and over again of writing down your spending. It can be hard after grocery shopping or a random visit to the gas station for a pop, but its important. Those little purchases sneak up.
So here's the challenge:
Write down everything you spend money on for 7 days. Every little thing. Keep a piece of paper in your pocket or purse and actually make an effort to write it down. (or maybe write it in your new planner!)
Once the week is over look at what you are spending your money on.
Where is most of your money going? Can you cut back on any of it? How do you view your own spending?
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
How to Organize Important Documents!
So here at ECHO we have a little project we're embarking on to help you keep track of and organize those important, important documents.
In the meantime, we thought we'd offer some basic tips on how to keep those papers in order:
1. The biggest question is this: Are all of your family's documents in the same place? Are they in a box or bin or storage container somewhere in your house that is safe? This is the best place to start. Even if they are in one big pile in a closet somewhere, that's better than drifting around the house. From there, try to sort into different categories. For example, bills, medical info, budget, and birth certificates/passports.
2. If its easier for you, take photos of your documents on your smartphone to help stay organized.
3. Don't be intimidated. It usually doesn't take as long as you think it will.
Like we talked about a few weeks ago, set a reward for yourself and a timer. It will be sorted before you know it! We'll be back here tomorrow to expand on this idea and give you even more tips for #AUGUSTORGANIZED.

1. The biggest question is this: Are all of your family's documents in the same place? Are they in a box or bin or storage container somewhere in your house that is safe? This is the best place to start. Even if they are in one big pile in a closet somewhere, that's better than drifting around the house. From there, try to sort into different categories. For example, bills, medical info, budget, and birth certificates/passports.
2. If its easier for you, take photos of your documents on your smartphone to help stay organized.
3. Don't be intimidated. It usually doesn't take as long as you think it will.
Like we talked about a few weeks ago, set a reward for yourself and a timer. It will be sorted before you know it! We'll be back here tomorrow to expand on this idea and give you even more tips for #AUGUSTORGANIZED.
Thursday, August 21, 2014
What to Do When Stuck...
Do you ever feel like you have a huge pile of rocks in your way?
Today we're talking about what to do when stuck.
Maybe you're at a certain point in your project or to-do list where you can't decide what to do next. Maybe you've run out of ideas. Maybe you're facing a bump in the road.
What is a good way to overcome this?
The best advice I've discovered about getting stuck is to TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT. Do anything. Whatever you have to do. Break your pattern or habits. If you are sitting in your house, try going to a coffee shop. If you work primarily in the morning, try late night. Go for a walk. Try the opposite.
This morning I found a quote which really inspired me to move past my boulders today:
"Tell me, when you think of taking consistent action in the direction of your dreams, do you imagine discipline, stamina, work, sacrifice, monotony, courage, and strategies, or are you thinking adventure, discovery, new friends, excitement at the crack of dawn, magic, surprises, fun, laughter, an, on occasion, the Macarena?" - The Universe.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Afraid to Start?
Do you feel like you have so much to do that you don't know where to begin?
Are you overwhelmed with a daunting task and don't know where to start?
First things first, you are not alone. Everyone feels this way at one point or another. What helps me here at ECHO is to break the project or task down into little tiny bits and start with the task that I'm most excited about FIRST. This way I am getting something down and starting - which can be the hardest part! Another way to go is to start with the simplest task first. Maybe to start you need to send an email or make a phone call.
Another tip to help yourself begin your task is to set a timer! Sometimes I give myself even 5 minutes on my cell phone alarm clock and I find the ticking clock is a great motivator.
Are you overwhelmed with a daunting task and don't know where to start?
First things first, you are not alone. Everyone feels this way at one point or another. What helps me here at ECHO is to break the project or task down into little tiny bits and start with the task that I'm most excited about FIRST. This way I am getting something down and starting - which can be the hardest part! Another way to go is to start with the simplest task first. Maybe to start you need to send an email or make a phone call.
Another tip to help yourself begin your task is to set a timer! Sometimes I give myself even 5 minutes on my cell phone alarm clock and I find the ticking clock is a great motivator.
What do you do in these scenarios? Let us know if the comments below!
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